Mail Bag
a thrill to find a web site
for the player who was my
favorite Dodger in the 60's.
Shame on Walter Alston for
not playing you more often
in '63, '64 & '65...the
more you were in the lineup,
the better your production.
I remember the '64 & '65
seasons...he'd platoon you
with Ron Fairly and you'd
get to pinch hit in games
you didn't start. When you
got a hit during the pinch
hit at bat, you'd be in the
starting lineup the next day.
Go 'oh for four' on one day
and you'd be back on the bench.
As one of your fans, I thought
you were a better player than
Fairly. Just my opinion after
all these years. Best Regards,
Mr. Moon.
David Sydney, Larkspur,
I grew up with Stan Musial
being my favorite player so
I recall you very clearly
when you were a Cardinal.
However I also liked the Brooklyn
Dodgers. Billy Cox lived right
down the road and Carl Furillo
also lived not far away. I
want to thank you for the
memories and tell you I appreciated
the way you played the game.
Bob Cope, Danville,
Mr. Moon you have been my
baseball hero since I was
eight years old and you continue
to be to this day. I loved
watching you play for the
Cardinals and listing to the
Dodger games. You are a household
name in my family. Thank you
for all the wonderful memories.
Ralph Johnson, Waipahu,
Wally,I have been a Dodgers
fan since 1961 and loved the
Moon shots, as I write this
I look to my left and see
the personalized ball from
you in 1964,a signed card
from you that you sent my
wife as a surprise for my
40th birthday in 1993,as well
as an autograph picture that
to be honest I don't remember
where I got and a frame that
contains cards from all 12
years of your career,you were
my first baseball hero for
which all I can say is Thanks!
Blake Phillips, Coppell,
I'm proud to become a member
of your fan club. You have
been one of my favorite Dodgers
of all time! Thanks for all
the great baseball memories!
Nancy Northcross, Westcliffe,
I have always liked you.....
same name and same birthday...despite
playing for those hated Dodgers!
Phil Moon, Stockton,
My dad "Arnie" or
"Al" Zehner was
on your baseball team at John
Brown University. He has spoken
so HIGHLY of you over the
years and I would love to
reunite the two of you!!!!
You were a very influential
figure in his life. I would
love to hear from you and
put you back in contact with
my father!!!!!!
Stephanie Zehner, St.
Louis, MO
I was probably 14 or so years
old when I became a Wally
Moon fan. I had recently gotten
my first magazine subscription
to Sport magazine and shortly
thereafter there was a cover
story with a photo of Wally
leaning against a batting
cage, I think. It was a wonderful
story and it presented him
as a really nice guy. Formative
really nice guy
playing for the Dodgers
my favorite team, even though
theyd left my hometown
of New York. I rapidly became
an ardent Wally Moon fan.
My fervor grew as he answered
my letters, first with a postcard
that had his signature printed
on it, later with some more
personalized notes. One of
my favorite stories and memories
revolves around meeting Wally
in New York. Id written
to him telling him that Id
wait for him outside of Shea
Stadium the next time the
Dodgers came to play the Mets.
And wait I did. The Dodger
bus was hours late (or so
it seemed in that hot sun)
and when it arrived minutes
before the scheduled start
of the game, the players were
running into the stadium and
not stopping to say hello
to fans. I got Wallys
attention and he came back
to give me his autograph.
My hero stopped and took my
pen and tried to give me his
autograph and the darn pen
wouldnt write. It had
baked in the summer sun and
had dried up. I was mortified
and there was no time to look
around for another pen. Wally
told me to contact him the
next time the Dodgers came
to town. I did, and he kindly
met me, introduced me to his
roommate (Jeff Torborg, I
think), and had a great conversation
with me. I was so nervous,
and I thought of him as friend
rather than as a famous
baseball player, that
I didnt bother asking
for his autograph. I thought
it would demean the friendship.
Now, some 45 years later,
I still cherish that meeting.
I have always thought of Wally
as one of the good guys out
there. Years later, maybe
1990, I met Wally at the Winter
baseball meetings and blurted
out this story. We shared
a bite to eat. He was gracious.
Of course, his "Moonshots"
were phenomenal, he had a
great eye as a hitter, and
he was a terrific player.
I still think of myself as
his greatest fan.
Harvey Jassem, Canton,
Mr. Moon, I had a wonderful
time getting to meet you,
and what an outstanding person
you are! Then I find out on
this website that your from
Arkansas (I have yet to meet
someone I didn't like from
Arkansas), and that your an
Aggie, too. WHOOOOP! May God
keep blessing you Mr. Moon.
Michael Ochoa, Lufkin,